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Sprout Space

We are a small organisation based in Mandurah, Western Australia, specialising in Customised Employment, including microenterprises for people with disabilities. We take an individualised approach to guiding NDIS participants through a Discovery Process, where we uncover their hidden talents, skills, passions interests, and abilities. We then use this information to either carve out a meaningful role or support the participant to develop their own microenterprise business.

Sprout Space
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Sprout Space

Talk to me about...

How the Customised Employment Approach can help you in your business. What are some microenterprise businesses I have worked with and can talk to you about? Some examples of successful Customised Employment in our community. How you can find out more about Customised Employment and Microenterprise.

My Biz Fest 23 offer is...

Free resources on how to make your business more accessible for people with disability.

See you at Biz Fest 23!

Mandurah Performing Arts Centre

29th June 23

Our Sponsors

Arca Morai
IPS Business Advisory
City of Mandurah
Amaryllis Quill
Peel Chamber of Commerce
Peel Development Commission
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