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Starbright Wonderland Photography
Suzy Jones creates images that embody the character and personality of those she photographs. Be it family, professional headshots or maternity, she captures the best of everyone in high quality, professional, yet truly personal portraits.
The unique AstroPortraits - portraits of people with the night sky - have become Suzy's trademark. The connection between us, Mother Nature and the stars is the creative force behind these unique images. Each AstroPortrait is a snapshot in time.


Talk to me about...
Come and have a chat about creating a gallery of professional images that really showcase you in the way you want to be seen by your clients. Our headshot, website or social media is usually the first place our clients meet us - let'e make a great first impression!
I will wax lyrical about AstroPortraits and how lucky we are in Mandurah to have such dark night skies. Astro Tourism is a growing trend here in WA and one that many local businesses could benefit from.
I look forward to seeing you at my Biz Fest Booth and during my Speaker Presentation on the day!
My Biz Fest 23 offer is...
My Biz Fest special offer is... 20% off Headshot packages if booked on on the day.
Headshots $120 (usually $150) for the first image and $60 (usually $75) for each additional image.
For each image you receive a full size file, social media size file and a PNG with the background removed.
See you at Biz Fest 23!
Mandurah Performing Arts Centre
29th June 23
Our Sponsors

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